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  • Apple Fruits Details

History Of Apple

As the name signifies, these apples have pale green-yellow skin. The flavor is sweet, making it a staple ingredient of salads, apple butter, and sauce. The texture is semi-firm. It mainly grows in Jammu, Kashmir, and Himachal Pradesh..

Delicious Apples are popular, medium-sized apples with a crisp firm texture and juicy sweet flavor. These tasty apples have a creamy-white interior and a thin yellow peel with light speckles.

Health Benefits Of Apple

  • Various vitamins and minerals such as folate, copper, potassium, niacin, riboflavin magnesium, manganese and Vitamin C, B, K, B6 and E are present in this fruit.
  • Prevent premature aging.
  • It prevents the chances of developing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Fruit assist in digestion process and helps to regulate bowel movements.
  • Apple juice helps to lower acidity in stomach.
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