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  • Lemon Fruits Details

History Of Lemon

The exact origin of the lemon is unclear but is supposed to have originated in the foothills of the Himalayas, Assam (India) and northern Burma to China. Lemon has been introduced all over the world and has naturalized in many areas. But now because of its higher nutritional value and wonderful taste it is cultivated throughout the world.

Juicy, acidic, yet flavorful, lemon is one of the most widely used citrus fruits worldwide. Scientifically known as Citrus Limon, lemons are considered to have originated in the foothills of the Himalayas, Assam (India) and northern Burma to China from where they spread all across the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and as far as Americas. Botanically, this citrus fruit belongs to the family of Rutaceae, in the genus, Citrus which also includes orange, pomelo, tangerine, bergamots, citrons and grapefruit. Apart from lemon, it is also known as Canton Lemon, Chinese Lemon, and Lemon.

Health Benefits Of Lemon

  • Support Heart health.
  • Helps control Weight.
  • Prevent Kidney Stones.
  • Protect against Anemia.
  • Reduce Cancer risk.
  • Improve Digestive health.
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